After MC lives at Rika's apartment, he becomes the one who 'guards' her by monitoring the CCTVs placed around the building and in the hallways. Overall, she shows compassion and kindness towards the RFA members. His fondest memories were eating ice cream and sneaking out of his room to see the sky for the first time with Saeyoung.While Saeyoung, Vanderwood, and the player are held prisoner, Saeran criticizes Rika keeping V in Mint Eye, viewing him as a threat.

Pretending to take a smoke break, he steals Vanderwood's cell phone and sends his location to Mint Eye for help. MC (short for main character, can be also referred as Protagonist or Heroine) is the main female protagonist of Mystic Messenger. Rika orders the Believers to give him medication, only to have an injured Saeyoung stop him. They take a commemorative photo, which reveals that he has changed his attire and hair color to lead a much more normal life.Saeran, along with Saeyoung, is the illegitimate son of a high-ranking politician. Jumin's possessiveness and controlling behavior becomes worse as a result and he tells the MC to never leave the penthouse.If the MC remains supportive of V and distrustful of the Savior, he will interrupt them during a night's walk and begs Rika to let him take the MC's place.

He tries to trick the player into thinking the characters in the game are AIs programmed by himself and incites her into making them reveal their secrets.Shortly before her "suicide", two years before the events of Casual Story & Deep Story, Rika kidnapped and recruited Saeran into Mint Eye, where he was forced to take numerous substances and brainwashed to believe that Saeyoung had purposefully abandoned him because he was a burden.
By the 7th Day, he breaks into it via the window to kidnap the player, but Seven arrives on time to save her. If the MC continues to support Zen, Jumin will suggest that the MC visit Zen in order to cheer him up after breaking his leg, with Jaehee strongly objecting to it.During the process, she will be able to romance with one of the seven main characters of the game throughout the eleven days of planning and conversing with the characters, depending on which route you're on. Cuídate y protege tu salud. However, Seven met V and Rika at church, who convinced him to join them - on the condition that he leave Saeran behind.Saeran can be seen in Zen's 3rd bad ending. 18-oct-2016 - Mystic Messenger Profile Pictures Characters by FlownWillow. In Secret Endings, Rika doesn't seem to show strong emotions towards MC at all, as she doesn't seem to be jealous or hate her, but doesn't show signs of caring or liking her either.However, in Another Story this changes, Rika is seen to have a very strong fascination with MC and grows to have love/hate feelings towards her.V returns after two years of traveling, now going by his real name Jihyun Kim and confesses his love to the MCDuring a trip to Mint Eye, Yoosung finds Elizabeth but is forced to take care of her as Jumin does not want her back because he only wants to give his love to the MC, which she can support or try to have Jumin take care of Elizabeth again.
This resulted in Zen running away from home as he wanted to become an actor instead of following in his family's academic steps.During the party, Jumin reveals Glam and Sarah's fraud and their schemes to the public and confesses his love for the MC once more. The ending is determined on how the MC treats each of the members and her behavior during the route she is doing.Notably, she comes off as rather naive or too trusting, concerning how she seems to choose to trust Unknown/Ray's word at the beginning of every route despite how shady the situation is.It is then revealed Echo Girl lied that Zen had sexually assaulted her and Zen becomes a pariah, ostracised and ridiculed on the internet and by Echo Girl's fans. The MC can further worry about Elizabeth and say that they should prioritize the cat's return, or the MC can tell Jumin to discard Elizabeth and focus only on her.As the only living female member of the group and someone who is stoic, Jaehee craves for a female friend.

Jumin still tries to remain a gentleman and cooks breakfast for the MC but the situation deteriorates when Elizabeth escapes the penthouse when Jumin was showing the MC how to feed her. In the end, they become partners and open a coffee shop together.At the party, Zen reveals what really happened with Echo Girl, proving that she was a long term fan of Zen and that she attempted to seduce him but he rebuffed her advances, thus proving himself to be innocent and saving his reputation; against Jumin's advice, Zen tells the public that he is in love with another woman, the MC, and he does not want to lie to his fans about his relationship status. In addition, Jumin wants MC to become more selfish and put herself first, before him. As hackers, Ray and Saeran have different skill sets. MC's support always gives her courage and the motivation she needs. However, some of the options given can present the MC as selfish, usually leading to a bad ending. In his own route he resorts to starving her (reminiscent of his own mother's torture) and mocking her in the chatroom. He is the current head of the RFA, however is often offline because of his trips as a photographer and his blindness. The MC can either decide to grow closer to Rika or remain faithful towards V; eventually, Rika brings the MC down to the dungeons where V is. He becomes aggressive towards the hospital staff to the point Saeyoung decides to stay with him. Though still uncomfortable, he logs into the messenger when Saeyoung invites the other members to his engagement party with the player.

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