Having your cat microchipped gives you peace of mind and gives an assurance that your cat will be returned to you after it has wandered off. A microchip is essentially a small information chip, a radio frequency identification (RFID) device, that is inserted under your cat’s skin. Some pet owners tend to feel around the microchipped area constantly and this may increase the chances that a chip may move. Your responsibilities. The UK passed a similar law in 2016, ensuring all of the 106,000 dogs that are missing or stolen each year have a better chance of finding their home again.Although ISO standards are being followed in most countries, including Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia, [2] the United States does not follow these standards.3. Spinal cord injury resulting due to incorrect microchip placement. If you inadvertently leave a window open, it can use that as a way to escape.But also, be sure to consider the pros and cons of all of your options before deciding.But that nice summer breeze wasn’t the only thing that made it’s way into my house that day – after a while, in wanders in this beautiful brown cat.In my experience, it’s very worth it.And if somehow microchipping cats did carry a comparable cancer risk as microchipping these test rodents, then it would have shown up by now, given that microchipping of pets has existed for decades.There are a very few anecdotal cases of pets having developed cancer near where they had a microchip implanted, but it’s not certain it was caused by the microchip even in those cases. It usually should not move. Here are some common questions. Even though people have microchipped their cats and dogs for decades, there’s still uncertainty around how it can work in humans. After the pet is implanted with a chip, their inflammatory markers do not return to baseline and they carry it as a health burden.This information can be as limited or as broad as you would like and is usually the information you share with your local vet.But there’s always some small chance a given chip will not last that long and will malfunction before that.Then there is the problem with cats more so than with dogs that many owners prefer for their cat not to wear a collar.To microchip a cat, a veterinarian places a glass-encased microchip at the end of a syringe that is slightly bigger than those used for vaccinations.But if a cat without that chip approaches the door, the flap firmly blocks its entrance.It is sometimes inserted under anesthetic and sometimes not.Ultimately, the choice to microchip your pet is yours. Usually, your vet will handle the registration process along with the microchip procedure. )You know those pet doors, where pets that are allowed out can go through a little opening with a flap?In 2007, the USDA ruled that it did not have the authority to require manufacturers to follow ISO standards. Microchips are great. WebMD veterinary expert answers commonly asked questions about microchipping your dog or cat. I say “unlikely” rather than “impossible,” though, because in fact in some cases it does help.As a matter of fact, our local vet performs FREE spay and neuter procedures if you bring in a stray – because the overpopulation of cats in our area is that much!When your cat approaches the door, it reads the chip and allows the cat to push through the flap and enter the house.But a big pro that you’ll definitely want to take into consideration is that it works, that you’re a lot more likely to get your cat back if it gets lost, if you’ve had the foresight to have it microchipped.Veterinarians often learn of lost pets in their area through flyers or being told by the pet owners.You might think I’m joking or making it up, but a few people have moral or even religious objections to microchipping pets.So if your lost cat is taken in by someone a few blocks over from you, they most likely aren’t going to scan the animal for a microchip, and they may not know to take it to someone who can, whereas they can certainly read a tag hanging from a collar.I’ve done a bit more in-depth research into microchips for pets and I’d love to share.Also, tags can include vaccination information.The craziest part of this story is that she was from a town about half an hour (by car) away from us.As a result, three different frequen­cies — 125 kHz, 128 kHz, and 134.2 kHz — are used in this country.A kitten can be microchipped as soon as it is stable and healthy enough.You program the pet door by scanning your cat’s microchip information into it. Schaumberg, Il, American Veterinary Medical Association, 2007.It would have been like a scene from a horror movie (like those ones where you realize there is a stranger in your house) – if she wasn’t so darn cute.There have been reports that in a minuscule number of cases microchipping has caused at least temporary paralysis.Again, the already low likelihood of this is further reduced if the procedure is done by someone properly qualified to do it, i.e., someone who won’t botch the job by implanting the chip too close to the spine.If you find any such moral or religious objections to microchipping persuasive, that’s a personal matter that is for you to decide.Your pet is not subjected to any radio waves if it has a chip.Probably the most significant evidence is that studies using certain types of rats and mice have shown a higher incidence of cancer in those that were microchipped than in those that were not, but those animals do not have similar biological systems as cats.The fact that this cat was so calm (calm enough to wander into our home and help herself to some grub), I assumed she belonged to someone.What’s the point, you might be thinking, of this futuristic, fancy schmancy technology, when the option of a simple tag worn on a collar already provides the owner contact information so that a lost pet can be returned?Ultimately, you decide where you spend your money.In addition to the different frequencies, some of the micro­chips are encrypted.The procedure costs less than most people would guess.It could be argued that a tag is not only just as good as a microchip but better.A microchip is permanent in a way that tags are not.In the end, you might decide that the best way to cover all your bases is to microchip your cat and to have it wear an identification tag.So a good case can be made that even an indoor cat ought to be microchipped.I caught a glimpse of something coming in the door and because we also have a brown-haired cat, I assumed it was her.However, in countries where ISO technology is used, the reunification rate is much higher.

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