Great sensitiveness to touch but > hard pressure.4. is a useful remedy for exhaustion, weakness, anaemia, headache, and digestive upsets that arise from loss of body fluids (haemorrhage, diarrhoea, sweat, vomit, etc). Anticipatory type of fever.Chill preceded by palpitation, anxiety and hunger; coming generally in forenoon, increased by drinking water. Please click on the link Welcome, Login to your account.A password will be e-mailed to you. In this connection may be mentioned the effect of the tincture of China (Cinchona rubra especially) in removing the craving for alcohol in drunkards who wish to reform. It is worse while sitting or lying, and is relieved by standing or walking. Persons now debilitated; previously strong and robust.3. The pain extends from the occiput over the whole head. Not FDA evaluated. Fever with headache.Occipital pain with sensation as if the skull would burst.Headache < slightest touch but > hard pressure.Assosiated with nausea or vomiting of bile and mucus.Throbbing carotids, head & face flushed.1. ;Miasm: Psoric, Sycotic, Tubercular, Syphilitic,Thirst: Thirsty, Thirstless, Large Quantity, Small Quantity;Appetite: Increased, Easy satiety, Reduced;Sensitivity: Low, High; Moon Phases: First Quarter, Last Quarter, New Moon;Time Phases: Morning, Noon, Forenoon;PREPARATION: The dried bark is used for the preparation. Cinchona is certainly a wonderful drug, wonderful in the many varieties of its species, wonderful in its composition and wonderful in its effects. Indolent, indifferent, hopeless. The face presents a pale, hippocratic expression; the eyes are sunken and surrounded by dark rings.It should be studied in diarrhoea when the passage is painless, worse at night and during hot weather.

Child cannot express affection with words. Profuse exhausting discharges, haemorrhages.

CINCHONA OFFICINALIS Therapeutic symptoms of homeopathic remedy Cinchona Officinalis, described by E.B. Active Ingredients:** Cinchona officinalis 3X to 30X - 3C to 30C HPUS; The letters HPUS indicate that this ingredient is officially included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopœia of the United States. I would request you to like our facebook page in order to get regular posts related to homeopathic, homemade and Ayurvedic.

Il est exploité pour son écorce dont on tire la quinine, fébrifuge et antipaludéen naturel. Chill not > external heat.Heat long lasting with desire to uncover, with thirstlessness or insatiable thirst. Le quinquina est devenu le premier remède homéopathique : China officinalis. It is attended with flatulence and is very weakening.

L'arbre (Cinchona) est originaire d'amérique du Sud, il présente des fleurs odorantes de blanches à roséesC'est un médicament d'action générale qui traite les hémorragies et pertes liquidiennes (transpiration) et leurs conséquences.Il agit de préférence chez un sujet faible, anémié, d'une grande pâleur qui ne peut distinguer ce qui est bon ou mauvais pour lui. It is not a little singular that the natives of Nash in his book, Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics, published in 1898..... Cinchona Cinchona homeopathy remedy keynote symptoms from the book 700 Red Line Symptoms by J.W. The part feels as though strained or sore. Intermittent fevers with drenching sweats at night.The action of this agent has so many features in common with its alkaloid Chininum sulphuricum that its physiological action is considered under that heading.This remedy is indicated in those who were once stout and robust, but on account of debilitation influences they have become broken down, as a result of exhausting discharges of loss of vital fluid, as hemorrhages or excessive lactation and as a result there is debility, trembling, aversion to exercise, nervous erethism and sensitiveness to touch, pain or drafts.It is of service in intermittent fever.

The chills begin in the lower extremities, below the knees, and extend to the body.

It has some reputation in controlling the formation of gallstones.-Bad effects of quinine; mercury< Periodically – alternate days-INTROVERTED, intense and touchy individuals with a tendency to take offense especially in teen-ages.

Diarrhoea only at night < fruits.4. Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Avec China officinalis, on soigne la fatigue et la fièvre, mais aussi les douleurs abdominales et articulaires, les saignements de nez, les acouphènes, les nausées et les vomissements. At edge of nervous capacity.-Misplacing words in later stage.-Rubrics:Delusion, that he is unfortunate, persecuted, tormented, hindered at work.-Gets frustrated, contemptuous. Stools lienteric, bloody, painless. Fear of instincts.-Gloomy, morose, depressed, apathetic, indifferent, no desire to live, no courage to commit suicide.-SENSITIVE, especially oversensitive to noise. Homeopathic Remedy Cinchona Officinalis [ Materia Medica Keynotes Health benefits, uses, warnings, safety precaution, side effects, interaction, complementary and dosage ] Cinchona Officinalis(Chin); China Rubra also known as Peruvian Bark-China, Quinine bark.

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cinchona officinalis homeopathy