A frieze with similar swags runs in a band below the cornice, tying the arches of the windows and the capitals. The windows of the lower story are smaller than those of the side walls and are deeply recessed, a visual indication of the thickness of the wall. The paired pilasters at each corner project boldly.In 2007, the Dean and Chapter commissioned Martin Firrell to create a major public artwork to mark the 300th anniversary of the topping-out of Wren's building. The remarkable feature here is that the lower story of this portico extends to the full width of the aisles, while the upper section defines the nave that lies behind it. The upper windows are of a restrained Classical form, with pediments set on columns, but are blind and contain niches. Beneath these niches, and in the basement level, are small windows with segmental tops, the glazing of which catches the light and visually links them to the large windows of the aisles. The project presented a stream of possible answers to the question: "What makes life meaningful and purposeful, and what does St Paul's mean in that contemporary context?" The Question Mark Inside consisted of digital text projections to the cathedral dome, West Front and inside onto the Whispering Gallery. London is said to have sent 2 delegates to the Council of Arles in 314 AD.18th-century engraving of St Paul's from the north-west by CanalettoWren's solution was to employ a Classical portico, as at Val-de-Grâce, but rising through two storeys, and supported on paired columns. The lower parts of the towers continue the theme of the outer walls, but are differentiated from them in order to create an appearance of strength. The height from ground level to the top of the parapet is approximately 110 feet.Wreathed in billowing smoke, amidst the chaos and destruction of war, the pale dome stands proud and glorious—indomitable. The Question Mark Inside opened on 8 November 2008 and ran for eight nights.Between the pilasters on both levels are windows. Beneath each window is a floral swag by Grinling Gibbons, constituting the finest stone carving on the building and some of the greatest architectural sculpture in England. The cathedral must be saved, he said, damage to the fabric would sap the morale of the country.There is evidence for Christianity in London during the Roman period, but no firm evidence for the location of churches or a cathedral. Those of the lower storey have semi-circular heads and are surrounded by continuous mouldings of a Roman style, rising to decorative keystones. The text was based on blog contributions by the general public as well as interviews conducted by the artist and on the artist's own views. The towers stand outside the width of the aisles, but screen two chapels located immediately behind them. • Atkinson, Frank (1985), St Paul's and the City, Park Lane Press, London: Michael Joseph, ISBN 978-0-7181-2629-2 — With numerous photographic plates, both in colour, and black and white. At the height of that air-raid, Sir Winston Churchill telephoned the Guildhall to insist that all fire-fighting resources be directed at St Paul's. The gaps between the upper stage of the portico and the towers on either side are bridged by a narrow section of wall with an arch-topped window.Films in which St Paul's has been depicted include:

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