People now recognize these words so the hyphen has stopped being necessary.Is it simply a mix-up, or perhaps a localization issue (UK uses -, USA doesn't) or am I completely off base here?Whenever I have seen the word used in American writing, in publications or on the internet, I have noticed that it has always been with the coordinate spelling.Yet I don't see that transferring over to the noun version meaning a location, especially in reference to mathematics and geography.English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Cartesian coordinate system uses the real number line as the reference. For a plane it takes 2 coordinates to specify a position.

Example: Would you please co-ordinate with Bob. For example, Leuven, Belgium is located on 50°52'47" North and 4°42'01" East in the WGS84 coordinate system. I know from my experiences, that co-ordinate is the more common spelling in the UK. In case of point A, the ordinate is positive, so we will move towards a positive direction in y-axis from the origin (0, 0) at 9 equal division but in case of point B, we will move towards negative direction at 5 equal division.The coordinates are written in the brackets (), where abscissa is written in the first position and then ordinate in the second position, separated by a comma. A PCS is necessary to draw the data on a flat map.By Aileen Buckley, Mapping Center LeadYou will often be prompted to select the geographic transformation when you are projecting data...Thanks for the informative article. This is the key difference between coordinate and subordinate clause. This represents the relation between the coordinate system and the y-axis.Take an example, of a point A in the cartesian plane, having coordinates (6, 9), where 9 is the ordinate and a point B, having coordinates (7, -5), where -5 is the ordinate. It is kind of like math in a way. Coordinate Systems and Projections are topics that we have to keep revisiting because they can be complicated and it is easy to forget some of the details. 'Cooperate' could be pronounced like 'coop' (as in a chicken coop). A spatial reference and a coordinate system? Coordinate clause is an independent clause while subordinate clause is a dependent clause. If your data uses a different GCS than your map, and you don’t use a geographic transformation, the data will draw in the wrong place.Can’t remember the difference between this geodesy thing and that?

It’s shaped like a globe—spherical. Hopefully these explanations will help clear things up for you too.These are both means of identifying coordinate systems, so you can be sure that you are using exactly the same parameters as someone else.A datum is one parameter in a geographic coordinate system (GCS).Many thanks to Bojan Šavrič and Melita Kennedy for their help and support in writing this and other recent articles!What's the difference between a GCS and a PCS?Heather is a cartographer and artist who mixes both practices to express and understand landscapes.

As verbs the difference between coordinate and ordinate is that coordinate is to synchronize (activities) while ordinate is to ordain … Here’s the short answer: A GCS defines where the data is located on the earth’s surface. "She found the cat." A GCS is round, and so records locations in angular units (usually degrees). As a adjective coordinate is of the same rank; equal. As a verb it means for things to work or flow smoothly as a group, or to cause things to work or flow smoothly together as a group. What is the difference between a geographic coordinate system (GCS) and a projected coordinate system (PCS) anyways? A PCS tells the data how to draw on a flat surface, like on a paper map or a computer screen. There is a difference in two terms called coordinate and ordinate. are some examples of subordinating clauses.Given below are some more example sentences containing coordinate clauses.A coordinate clause is one of two or more clauses in a sentence that are of equal importance and usually joined by a coordinating conjunction. A PCS tells the data how to draw on a flat surface, like on a paper map or a computer screen. The 3 points (1, 2), (3, -3) and (-5,7) are away from the origin (0, 0).

Κύριες μεταφράσεις: Αγγλικά: Ελληνικά: coordinate [sth], co-ordinate⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." See more. A PCS is flat, so it records locations in linear units (usually meters). According to Online Etymology they both point to coordinate. Co-ordinate is the exact same word as coordinate.

Observe how all these start with either a subordinate clause or a relative pronoun.None of the above examples expresses a complete thought; they have to be combined with an independent clause to express a complete thought.The difference between coordinate and subordinate clause mainly lies in their ability to express a complete thought.

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ordinate and coordinate difference