English: primitiva nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural.

primitiva translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'acción primitiva',lotería primitiva',primitivo',primicia', examples, definition, conjugation De los orígenes o primeros tiempos de alguna cosa: "Las Meninas" ha recuperado sus primitivos colores. The primitive people settled next to the river. 'primitivo' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: aborigen - acadio - alóctono - ametría - ario - asirio - -azo - inferior - -izo - kor é - monogenismo - paleo-- primario - primigenio - primitiva - primordial - prístino - recto. Many translated example sentences containing "primitiva denominación" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations.

adj. In Manduria, the fortified liquoroso variants often reach an ABV of 18%, which is dulled to 14% in the table wines.

¿Cuáles son los sinónimos de primitiva? The Primitiva, which is weekly, is similar to the British National Lottery in that players choose six numbers, including a bonus number (complementario), out of a total of 49. But across the Atlantic Zinfandel was booming, which doubtless contributed to Primitivo's new lease of life. c. early (man) Muy probablemente, el hombre primitivo era nómada. ¿Cuál es el significado de primitiva? Contextual translation of "primitive" into Spanish. Most likely, the early men were nomadic. Contextual translation of "primitive streak" into Spanish.

There are also several other similar draws each week, for which players can buy a multiple-draw ticket called a bono-loto. Muchas de las enseñanzas de la doctrina primitiva siguen siendo las mismas en la actualidad. Human translations with examples: pica, raya, original, primitiva, primitivo, línea primitiva. primitive [adjective] simple or rough (Translation of primitivo from the PASSWORD Portuguese–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) Translation of «Primitiva» in Spanish language: — Portuguese-Spanish Dictionary Many translated example sentences containing "concepto de primitiva" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Primitivo has endured something of a rollercoaster ride in the past few decades. Los pueblos primitivos se establecieron junto al río.

In the 1990s, the variety was at its lowest ebb for a long time. ES (juego de azar) lottery game n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. The new-look Primitivo that soon began to emerge was no longer just a blending variety, it was now the historic grape behind southern Italy's flagship wines.

El uso del término, especialmente en entornos académicos, se ha EL CLAN O GENS tiene descendencia, elige a su pareja fuera del grupo y se caracterizan por ser unidos como una gran familia TRIBU se forma con la unión de varios subgrupos, poseen un territorio determinado, poseen homogeneidad cultural y existe un lenguaje definido, tiene una primitiva - Significados en español y discusiones con el uso de 'primitiva'. CULTURA PRIMITIVA Jafet Rueda T. Sociedad primitiva Aunque la creencia en el mito del buen salvaje no ha desaparecido, describir una cultura como primitiva se suele considerar políticamente incorrecto y ofensivo. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. A classic Primitivo wine is high in both alcohol and tannins, intensely flavored and deeply colored.

The EU's vine pull schemes had seen thousands of acres of Primitivo vines ripped out of the ground. Primitivo is a dark-skinned grape known for producing inky, tannic wines, particularly Primitivo di Manduria and its naturally sweet Dolce Naturale variant. 3. Many teachings from the original doctrine are the same today. Being relatively difficult to manage in the vineyard, Primitivo suffered worse than many other varieties. primitivo, va . ¿Cómo se usa primitiva en una oración? Many translated example sentences containing "primitiva condición" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. ¿Cuál es la definición de primitiva? b. primitive.

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