And I’ve been wanting to play with some of the other 3D programs as well, just haven’t gotten around to that quite yet.The advantage would be driving the monitors from a single card instead of some weird Monitor A is driven by GPU A.

That setting auto-enables when the graphics card is a complete potato. Nvidia Quadro P4000. Having games or SOLIDWORKS run on the wrong monitor might cause you some heartache though and it just generally feels like a janky setup.In your case, you will have equivalent SW performance to the RTX 4000 you currently have. NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 vs AMD Radeon Pro WX 7100. the UI is made of actual 3D elements) work fine on any GPU.And I run two monitors - one pretty much specifically for gaming (144 hz) and to keep email up all day, and the other is an ultra-wide for work-horse stuff, so good to go there.GeForce cards will allow SW to run in normal (non-software) OpenGL mode.

vs. Nvidia Quadro K4000. It seems unlikely that one would need to run CAD and a game at the same time. This looks at the best GPUs for video editing, Blender, & more. Titans are interesting cards.Your non-OpenGL card (the GeForce card) will revert to software OpenGL when it fires up SolidWorks.

The advantage of the two accounts could also have an advantage with drivers.Really, you just have to look at what is more important to you, if it is games, concessions will be made when running SOLIDWORKS. the gaming monitor goes into the GeForce and the workstation monitor goes into the RTX?If you have two monitors, yes. I.e. 2080 Ti for games and RTX 4000 for SW? Fortunately I've been able to recover everything, but it has me worried.Any way to have two separate accounts on the computer where one disables the "unwanted" graphics card? Don't bother comparing to other systems online as most of the values are BS (at least the last time I looked). And I work in KeyShot a lot too - so photo/video/rendering was another factor for the build. The slower Max-Q variant is intended for thinner laptops.The high power consumption of the RTX3000 makes the card most suited for big and heavy laptops. It seems like I've read that this is possible, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.Is there a reliable driver that'll run both cards? The high power consumption of the RTX4000 makes the card most suited for big and heavy laptops. I have a workstation with a P4000 and another with two Titan XPs and the performance in SW is indistinguishable. New shading technologies and next generation GPU memory allow efficient visualization of even the most complex designs and assemblies. The Titan will do CAD, will game, and its a rendering monster. Go from a CAD file to photorealistic rendering with RTX Technology and SOLIDWORKS Visualize, which includes RTX real-time ray tracing with AI denoising. The Quadro RTX 3000 is also DisplayPort 1.4 ready, while there is also support for HDMI 2.0b, HDR, Simultaneous Multi-Projection (SMP) and H.265 video en/decoding (PlayReady 3.0).NVIDIA manufacturers the TU104 chip on a 12 nm FinFET process and includes features like Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) and Real-Time Ray Tracing (RTRT), which should combine to create more realistic lighting effects than older GPUs based on the company's Pascal architecture (if the games support it). Despite how popular SOLIDWORKS is, there is a lot of outdated and simply inaccurate information on the web regarding what video card you should use. The Titan will do CAD, will game, and its a rendering monster.Can you make an RTX 2080 Ti reliable for SOLIDWORKS?

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