DEREK: That's a good one, that's a good one! Ian Faith: No, I don't! The audience gets a brief on the early life of the band in the name of Thamesmen, that got their first hit single,” Gimme some money”. It's a funny line but it gets to the heart of the music industry.In the final minutes of the film, as the credits roll and we learn that the band is back together and touring Japan, Di Bergi asks each member what they'd be doing if they weren't in a rock band. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water.”The film states the life of this British rock band through the eyes and experience of FilmmakerMarty Di Bergi, who followed the band in their tours and concerts in order to promote their new album, Smell the Glove. Hence, these popular This Is Spinal Tap quotes should be read with caution and proper understanding of the context. This final summation from each member of the group underscores the theme of the film -- that these guys don't need to be doing this, and the world would be better off if they called it quits.Early in the film director Marty DiBergi reads some of the bands reviews to them and they're absolutely devastating, although the band just thinks that the reviewers who don't like them are just splitting hairs. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and… The change of cover to a whole black cover leads to the failing of autograph seasons of fans with the band. “I’m quite influenced by Mozart and Bach, so I like to think that this piece is more of a Mach really.”“Well, so what? I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water.”“Derek Smalls: Rock and roll!! And the answer is none, none more black.”“Yeah, listen, we’d love to stand around and chat, but we’ve gotta… sit down in the lobby and wait for the limo.”The funniest rock movie ever made, the “This is Spinal tap” is an American classic mockumentary which left many with a hurting stomach due to immense laughter. The movie is preserved in Library of Congress and also in the National Film Registry.“Eric “Stumpy Joe” Childs (1945-1974) Cause of death: Choked on vomit, although it was never determined whose vomit it was.”“The review you had on ‘Shark Sandwich,’ which was merely a two-word review, just said ‘Shit sandwich.’”“Mick Shrimpton (1948-1982) Cause of death: On-stage explosion.”“Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year. It wasn't a glove, believe me.... Derek Smalls: I mean, people should be envying us, you know. In fact, they both envy each other.The end of the film puts a very real spin on the ridiculous world of Spinal Tap by asking what guitarist Nigel Tufnel would do if he weren't a rock star -- something that he's likely thinking of because of the band's falling star. It seems like a tossed off moment but it's a really funny insight into the character who drives much of the drama of the film.After Spinal Tap decide to call it quits Derek Smalls and David St. Hubbins convince themselves that not only are they doing the right thing but that they're actually very lucky in that they get to break up their band. Nigel Tufnel explains:Bassist Derek Smalls may not be the important member of the band but he holds everything down with the bass (and a killer mustache) but his quote about how much acid he's dropped gives you some insight into why he's a little out of it regardless of what scene he's in.I feel it’s like, it’s more like going, going to a, a national park or something. They’re like poets, like Shelley and Byron. This Is Spinal Tap remains the funniest, and most truthful, look at rock culture ever filmed and a personal best for all involved. The film also showed us the tragic death of many of their previous drummers before Mick Shrimpton and their causes.“That’s not to say I haven’t had my visionary moments. We’ve also heard that he sold his dialysis machine for drugs, and we assumed he died.”“Oh. Their longtime manager is gone, leaving David St. Hubbins' girlfriend in his place, and one of their major shows has been canceled. This is 1982, for God's sake... Bobbi Flekman: That's right it's 1982. And the answer is none. He puts together an answer that shows just how lost he is without his guitar, the stage, or the audience:After playing one of the worst shows of their career to a group of uncaring attendees at an Air Force base Nigel Tufnel throws down his guitar and walks away from the band for good. Nice person, really… He’s dead, you know… Yeah, he died…”“[Concerning his epitaph]: Here lies David St. Hubbins…. I’ve taken acid seventy five, seventy-six times.”“I used to say “sex, drugs, and rock and roll.” As long as there’s sex and drugs, I can do without rock and roll.”“(Concerning the cover of “Smell the Glove”): It’s like a black mirror… you can see yourself… in both sides.”The “this is Spinal tap” received a number of positive reviews making it a big success. Cause of death: No one knows what happened to Ric.

After Derek Smalls says that people should be envying them David St. Hubbins says that he envies them.

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