The report will contribute towards the generation of sufficient and practical insight into the various operations management issues identified.According to Dahlgaard, Kristensen, and Kanji (2006, p.282), every organisation seeks to nurture a strong quality culture in order to achieve the desired quality objectives. Supply chain management systems are paramount for they enable firms to undertake comprehensive production and marketing of their products and services. Some of the techniques that are incorporated in an effort to attain lean management include “Just in Time” and continuous improvement (Winchell 2006).The firm has automated its inventory system in an effort to ensure effective replenishment of the raw materials. However, market forces of demand and supply influence the availability of raw materials. With regard to manufacturing firms, the TPS may be used to record data regarding the movement of products from one stage to another for example from raw materials to the finished product.Another strategy that firms are increasingly integrating in their risk reduction efforts is outsourcing. Firstly, lean management enables a firm’s management team to identify waste hence eliminating it. Examples of such systems in firms that deal with the production of goods and services relate to activities such as the acquisition of raw materials, manufacturing process, and marketing.Since its inception, the Coca Cola Company has established itself as a global leader with regard to operations and management outlook. Through lean thinking, the firm’s management teams can establish the inherent value of a product or service (Dilworth 2000).This aspect is critical in determining the strategies that the firm will incorporate in order to deal with the risks.

Therefore, effective implementation of risk management strategies will provide the firm will an opportunity to deal with threats and opportunities presented by the risk. Consequently, it has been successful in tapping the numerous opportunities in the global market.The Coca Cola Company focuses on ensuring that its customers attain a high level of satisfaction by consuming the firm’s products. Consequently, it is paramount for Coca Cola Amatil to develop a sufficient competitive advantage that will oversee its success.The firm has established a risk management policy, which aims at providing a comprehensive strategy on how to analyse risk (Maidment 2011). International Operations Management Of Coca Cola Business Essay. The operations managers should ensure that the firm is effective in dealing with changes occurring from the external business environment.An organisation that has incorporated effective SCM can achieve synergy in the course of its operation, which arises from the fact that the various departments in the organisation can access the system, hence gaining knowledge regarding the firms supply chain. Consequently, the operations manager should ensure that the products and services produced by the firm contribute towards a high level of customer satisfaction.In their operations, firms undertake numerous projects in an effort to thrive in the future. If the set standards are achieved, new ones have to be formulated (Evans & Lindsay 2008).Decision and expert support systems cover another category of information systems that firms incorporate in their operation process. According to Chao (2007), quality improvement entails the various processes that firms incorporate in an effort to ensure that they operate efficiently. The soft drink industry has two major players, Pepsi and Coke. This move has played a significant role in minimising the cost of such risks.In their operations, an organisation focuses at ensuring that customers achieve a high level of satisfaction by consuming its products and services. Project management refers to the process through which a firm plans, schedules, controls, and invests the prerequisite resources in order to achieve the predetermined goal.For example, they should incorporate strategies aimed at improving the firm’s operational efficiency and effectiveness. Operation Management in Coca Cola: Operation direction is one of the most of import subdivisions of survey both in the joint universe and in faculty members. The firm reviews the various risks it faces in an effort to improve its performance. The core operations management concepts evaluated include quality control.In addition to attaining their profitability objectives, firms are also charged with the responsibility of ensuring that they operate in a social responsible manner. Some of the social networking tools that the firm has incorporated in its operation include the use of Facebook and Twitter.This move improves the effectiveness with which a firm replaces its inventory. Welcome back!

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Coca Cola operations management