Working a single crochet stitch in the first stitch of the row fills out each row on the end.How to Join Crochet Seams with Blanket Stitch Your last dc will be in the top of the turning ch. Now work the first stitch of the new row in your pattern.You will know if you forget to use turning chains. You may not give away printed copies of this post. Turn over your crochet piece. You can unsubscribe at any time. Easy right?Fantastic! You can do this with other stitches, such as the Half Double Crochet and the Single Crochet: Half Double Crochet Chainless Foundation Stitch. How to Crochet the Alternative Turning Chain - Photo Tutorial. Photo B: Work a single crochet stitch (without a turning chain) , insert your hook into the first stitch, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull thru both loops (see next pic) . Work the second stitch in your pattern. Your explain was clear and understandable!

Tutorial: Alternate or Chainless DC Turning Stitch . I’m totally doing it this way in all my projects from now on!This post may contain affiliate links/ads. The special stitch makes the fabric more dense. Just simply crochet a single crochet into the first stitch.BUT, nobody told me there actually was a way to crochet the turning chain such that there will never be a gap or a bulk on the side, but instead have a straight smooth edge when crocheting anything equal or taller than a double crochet.Crochet & Handmade DIY CraftsI got frustrated and wanted to find a solution to my problem. At a Crochet Guild of America (CGOA) conference a couple years ago a representative from Lion Brand demonstrated a nice one.

The chain 3 turning chain is the universal way to start crocheting a new row. So here is how I start my rows. Has a much cleaner edge than the chain 3. Signup now to get FREE crochet patterns, tutorials, giveaways & crochet along info sent straight to your inbox!Modern Crochet - Beyond the BasicsWhen we first learn to work the double crochet stitch in rows, we learn one of the two following methods:So it’s basically a waistcoat DC? If you want to share this information with someone, share the link to this post.

If you want to share on your own blog / website, then you may use the first photo in this post and link back to this post. Yarn over and insert hook into second chain from hook.

You now have 2 single crochets stacked on top of each other and they have the same height as a double crochet. The single crochet turning chain isn’t wide enough to substitute for the first single crochet of the row and creates a rough edge to your rows. See Privacy Policy for more info.Are you intimidated by crocheted cables? Most patterns will instruct you to chain 3 at the beginning of a DC row and to work the first DC in the second stitch. The awful gap at the beginning of each row. You will have to go back and double crochet. The Chainless Starting Double Crochet has been reinvented repeatedly, but needs more users - it makes the chain 3 start obsolete!

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Double crochet turning chain alternative