In 2003, tour companies were given strict guidelines from the Navajo Parks and Recreation to have a guide present at all times with visitors.

This destination is as awe-inspiring as you’d expect. It is recommended that you book your antelope canyon tour reservation at least a week in advance due to our commitment to small group sizes. Make sure to bring your camera!

7. The ideal time to go visit Horseshoe Bend is during morning, when the sun is behind you and shining brightly towards the bend, lighting up the river. It is similar in many ways and is just as beautiful ...but without the crowds.No. The walk is quite easy, but do account for this time when planning your visit to Horseshoe Bend. No. This place is a must-visit if you like seeing incredible natural vistas.12. You trip will begin with an exclusive ride down the two-mile long Glen Canyon Dam access tunnel. We are photographer friendly and keeps our group sizes to 15 or less. If you are visiting us in-season (Mar to Oct) your odds are tough. That is, if you can make it down to the bottom.3. The sightseeing opportunity from the aircraft gives you high wings for viewing and photography. Our tours are only into Secret Antelope Canyon as well as the Horseshoe Bend Overlook.Please follow your doctor's orders. They only occur in this canyon during short periods of spring and fall and only last approximately 30 minutes during the late morning.

You will have many opportunities for pictures and finding unobstructed views. There is no fee to see the Canyon, but it does require an easy 2 mile hike round trip. If not, you forfeit your reservation.Yes. Closed toe shoes are preferred but sandals are fine too as long as you're comfortable with sand between your toes.There is no refund for missing the antelope canyon tour reservation time. Several campsites are available for reservation through It is a horseshoe-shaped incised meander of the Colorado River located near the town of Page, Arizona, United States.14. If you are sensitive to dust you may want to bring a mask/bandanna and sunglasses.Tips are always appreciated. The incredible popularity of this section of the river will really surprise you. Since Horseshoe Bend is 1,000 feet above the rivers surface, it’s equivalent to a 99-story building.10. The tour takes approximately 30 to 35 minutes.21. While the hike has a relatively short distance, you need to be prepared for the challenge. If there is space available on a later departure, you can choose to reschedule. You will be treated to stunning views of the mystical Horseshoe Bend, as well as Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell. With the canyon being narrow in some sections and with multiple people wearing Large backpacks it not only scratches the canyon walls but can hit other people inside the canyon as well.You need to check in 15 minutes prior to your scheduled departure time. It was caused by the continual flow of water through the canyon walls. If you’re in moderate physical shape, you shouldn’t have any issues. Both are available for reservation. Unlike the Overlook at Horseshoe Bend, all of the slot canyons within the Antelope Canyon system are protected by the Navajo Parks and Recreation and are only accessible with a guide. Remember that you are only allowed to take only pictures.Take a Trip to these 5 Hidden Beaches in Arizona for an Unforgettable Summer2. If the seats were sold to someone else, you will be offered a refund. When the sandstone erodes, dark sand spheres are once again exposed to the elements, causing them to break away from the sandstone bedrocks.

The peak month for Horseshoe Bend is actually April, and the peak time is sometime around 11 am.This Beautiful Mansion for Scottsdale Is Dreamy and Will Give the Best Views of the Mountains19. The newly-expanded Horseshoe Bend parking area just South of Page, Arizona will make you feel like you’re taking a trip through Jurassic World. A clear day can guarantee you can get good photos due to the shape of the canyon (circular with vertical walls). They are very tricky to photograph and most of the photos you see of them are a result of long exposure times while throwing sand in the light shaft.In case of inclement weather, the tour will be canceled.

If you're not keen on going to Horseshoe Bend at sunrise -- and Bob B does have a valid point about it being in shadow at that time -- then you might consider going there on a shuttle with Horseshoe Bend Slot Canyon Tours, which run hourly from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.They're not free, they cost $30/head round-trip, and reservations are strongly suggested. We compare it to a walk on a sandy beach - overall very low difficulty.While part of the Antelope Canyon system, this particular canyon is separate from Upper or Lower Antelope Canyons.

The viewpoint is pretty “hyped” on social media, especially in Instagram.Here are the 7 Most Terrifying Drives You Can Take in All of ArizonaGo on an Epic Kayaking Tour Through an Emerald Cave in Arizona1. The emerald-green Colorado River also makes the gigantic bend more than a thousand feet below the overlook. You do NOT need to book anything for Horseshoe Bend. The significant increase in the number of visitors is due to the references to the location on social media.9.

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do you need reservations for horseshoe bend