This is a view of Muzdalifah, where Hajj pilgrims arrive after sunset from Arafat on the 9th Dhul Hijjah (second day of Hajj). Stopping at Muzdalifah is an essential part of the pilgrimage. Muslims around the world who are not participating in the pilgrimage often spend this day in fasting and devotion.

Muzdalifah (Arabic: مُزْدَلِفَة‎) is an open, level area near Mecca in the Hejazi region of Saudi Arabia that is associated with the Ḥajj ("Pilgrimage"). Muzdalifah (Arabic: مزدلفة) is an open area located southeast of Mina, on the way between Mina and Arafat. Since we are used to sleeping in doors, we find this strange. Spending the night at Muzdalifah is a duty of pilgrimage which can only be compensated for, if omitted, by the slaughter of a sheep in the Haram area and distributing its meat to the poor. Before this you were certainly in error.” (2: 198) Al-Mashaar Al-Haram is Muzdalifah, as clearly indicated by the Prophet both verbally and by his action. Pebbles are not easy to find in Mina because its space is taken up by the pilgrims’ tents.

Only if he is delayed for a long while and he fears to miss these prayers can he offer them before reaching Muzdalifah. A pilgrim who stays at Arafat for a couple of hours after sunset does not offer the Maghrib and Isha prayers there. Does not their stay at Muzdalifah increase the traffic congestion?It is important to realize this. Remember Him who has given you guidance. We then move on shortly before sunrise.If we follow the Prophet’s example, which we should always do, we also offer the Fajr, or dawn, prayer there and follow that with a session of glorification of God and supplication for 20-30 minutes. Can it be made easier? Muzdalifah stretches from the Valley of Muhassar to the mountains of Ma’zamayn. However, from the practical point of view, they are easier to pick up at Muzdalifah. It is not. The ritual of Wuquf (stay) at Muzdalifah is one of the obligatory acts of Hajj, which if missed will incur a Dam (atonement).

Muzdalifah stretches from the Valley of Muhassar to the mountains of Ma’zamayn. All this means that we sleep in the open air. It lies just southeast of Mina, on the route between Mina and Arafat. The Day of Arafat is, therefore, one of the most important holidays in the entire Islamic year. It obeys a clear order in the Qur’an: “When you surge downward from Arafat, remember God at … It is much preferable, however, to stay until the morning, if one can do so without much difficulty.Spending the night at Muzdalifah is a duty of pilgrimage which can only be compensated for, if omitted, by the slaughter of a sheep in the Haram area and distributing its meat to the poor.Some readers wrote to me about this aspect of the pilgrimage and wondered whether the Prophet (peace be upon him) stopped at Muzdalifah to pick up the pebbles there because it was convenient for him to do so in the particular circumstances of his own travel.

Important Rules to follow while moving from Arafat to Muzdalifah by Hajj pilgrims Hajj We have been asked by our frequent website visitors and the readers of our different articles to collect the relevant Islamic teachings related to the activities that need to be performed while moving ahead from Arafaat to Muzdalifah.

We then continue our journey, starting a short while before sunrise. The answer is that this was not the case. Stopping at Muzdalifah is an essential part of the pilgrimage.

It is four kilometers long and … We do not stop at Muzdalifah only to collect the pebbles, as some pilgrims think. When one of the Prophet’s companions wanted to offer these prayers at Arafat, the Prophet told him: ‘These prayers should be offered further on.’ It was not just a coincidence. Important Rules to follow while moving back from Muzdalifah to Mina by Hajj pilgrims Hajj A little while before the sunrise which may be equivalent to the time sufficing two Rak’ah of Nafl prayers, one should proceed to Mina from Muzdalifah.

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why is muzdalifah important