Note her wooden beads, another connection to Kunta’s family/past.When Missy leaves, she puts on this blue spencer with frog closure.While fighting for the Brits, Kunta semi-adopts another man who clearly reminds him of his younger brother. Missy has a new ribbon-rosetted dress, while Kizzy is still in the same stained hand-me-down (note how tiny the stain is! I have no idea what this lady is wearing, nor do I know what’s going on with her hair.The back has cute little tails. and such end up dropped into the real life nastiness that was the actual period… Like a mean spirited _Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court_, or something…..Getting married to George, I LOVED that Matilda wears Kizzy’s dress from the fancy picnic. I liked them showing this distinction.Belle’s wedding dress.

Props!I’m going to talk about the two characters together, as Missy often gives stained or torn hand-me-downs to Kizzy, and they’re generally on screen together.Hanging with 18th-century Nellie Olsen, whose dress is weird but I’ll deal. Roots is a mini-series (period drama) about a slave you came from Africa to America to live as a slave.

The show depicts the brutal struggles that slaves had to endure and their fight for freedom.

Was this really supposed to be the 1780s or 90s? YOU FILL OUT THOSE BREECHES VERY NICELY. Use the HTML below.With the country on the brink of Civil War, the struggle for freedom is more dangerous than ever. ROOTS is a historical portrait that recounts one family’s struggle to resist the institution of American slavery, as they carry on the legacy of Kunta Kinte despite enormous hardship and inhumanity. I CAN’T WATCH IT IF HE IS!”This corset is VERY 1780s in cut and style, and it makes perfect sense for Kizzy to have received it as a hand-me-down.

:-)At a middling-stakes chicken fight, this lady clearly escaped from the Edwardian Ball.This chick! She’s also an academic, with several articles on fashion history published in research journals.To show how serious they took mourning, women even had mourning jewels that were usually only worn during that two year mourning period.Yes, let’s put the Steampunk Con attendee right behind a major (for this scene) character!Matilda is George’s love interest then wife. However, I’ve seen some things in the corners of 16th and 17th c. portraits that look like safety-pin prototypes, so I suppose they’re just possible here.Here’s that lampas/brocade/whatever coat, totally distressed.“Well fiddle-dee-dee!”Jonathan Rhys Meyers’ character’s wife, who gets the joy of watching her husband rape his new slave. *evil grins*The sheer blue dress is nice, and I liked that the ladies were layering bonnets over caps. He’s really wonderfully costumed — you can see that he’s enslaved (nothing upscale here), and yet they totally show his weird position as unacknowledged son-of-the-owner through what again appear to be hand me downs … plus they show his character through his jaunty accents, tipped hats, etc.I don’t know who did the costuming for the women extras at the cockfights, but . Huh?I’ve always considered JRM as a pretty good actor. Tweet . )And now, what happened with this batch of extras? Roots (2016): Part 3. Some specific thoughts:Kizzy’s dress features a blue embroidered silk robe over a sheer gown.I think it’s his intensity that throws me off. the corsets! visable corsets with no chemise makes my blood boil. Set after the Civil War but the ladies there are closer to what actual people wore. And, in the end, we discover just how much Missy’s (the white BFF) relationship with Kizzy is predicated on their status/freedom differential.I think the friend does lean a little bit more Edwardian, but if I squint I can see Regency.Please review Mommy Dearest. Then again–Matthew Goode. While wearing a random piece of lace that kind of annoys me, but for no real reason.I”m not a JRM fan either, but do admit, all that rage-leaving-spectators-on-tenterhooks was about right for being Henry!I particularly enjoyed this episode because of the inclusion of more female characters, particularly in the second half when Kizzy, daughter of Kunta and Belle, was the focal point.I liked that Belle’s wardrobe shifted to high-waisted dresses for this portion.

With Chad L. Coleman, Shannon Lucio, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Regé-Jean Page. There’s also a lot of the horrible reality of “slave breeding,” as George falls in love with Matilda. Tweet. What a weird position to be in for Kizzy.Random extras in supposed 1780s clothes. He wore a lot of relatively simple/lower-quality clothes because of this, but when he’s trying to impress people, he gets very flashy.Late in the episode, at a high-stakes cockfight.

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roots (2016 123movies)